About Farmer Clusters
There is only so much that an individual farm business can achieve on their own. By working together, supported by an advisor or 'facilitator', farmers and land managers can make progress on sustainability priorities while maximising the benefits to them and their landscapes.


Get started with our Farmer Cluster guidelines.

Follow the links below for guidance on every stage of your Farmer Cluster journey, available in the network's current languages.


Our library of Farmer Cluster Resources

Farmer Clusters

Extended Farmer Cluster resources

Explore a range of additional resources related to running a successful Farmer Cluster


Biodiversity Monitoring

Learn more about biodiversity monitoring with a range of resources tackling the topic from different perspectives.

Land management

Biodiversity-friendly Land Management

Start with this collection to find out more about biodiversity-friendly farming and land management practices.


Resources for farmers

Wherever you are on your journey to sustainable farming, discover useful resources to help improve your farm's ecological health in ways that work for you.


Frequently asked questions

Most farmers want to feel like their farms are delivering biodiversity gains and Farmer Clusters are a fantastic way to do this cooperatively at a landscape scale. The farmers can direct their own conservation efforts and set their own priorities and targets together.

Niamh McHugh

Ecologist, Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust, UK

Farmer Clusters offer a great opportunity for farmers to network and a space where we can treat each other with respect. Every farm is unique and it’s important to learn how others approach similar challenges in different ways.

Daniela Ablinger

Farmer Cluster Facilitator and Dairy Farmer, Mostviertel and Salzkammergut, Austria

Farmer clusters allow activities for biodiversity or soil health to reach across a large geographical area, rather than one farmer working alone in isolation on a few hectares of land. They encourage cooperation between neighbours and other stakeholders and are an important social activity in an occupation that otherwise can be quite isolating

Gill Banks

Farmer Cluster Facilitator, Scotland, UK

One of my strengths in life is connecting with others and finding people to copy. In our farmer cluster, there's plenty of opportunity to share ideas.

Jimmy D

Farmer, Cranbourne Chase Farmer Cluster, UK

“Il cluster OliValgraziosa mi dà la possibilità di continuare a studiare e mantenere la biodiversità nel mio lavoro, a trovare nuove soluzioni, a capire meglio gli equilibri che mi circondano. Grazie a Framework posso anche beneficiare delle testimonianze ed esperienze degli altri clusters

Silvia Benucci

Farmer, Farmer Cluster OliValgraziosa, Italy